Hello hello? More like thundercats Ho…
The Onion Bears produced a Tifo on Saturday afternoon that was puzzling, even by their own usual atrocious standards.
It was wildly mocked on social media, even by some of their fellow Bears. With not one person being able to make out what the display was actually meant to be.
There’s been a few humorous ideas being floated, ranging from a colour blindness test to an octopus. Yes it really was that bizarre.

For me personally I have my own idea. As a child growing up in the 1980’s it reminded me of the emblem from the popular children’s cartoon Thundercats.
Yes it was spookily similar to the calling card Lionel Lord of the Thundercats gave to his fellow feline fighters when he was in trouble. Maybe it was a cry for help from the Onion Bears to their fellow supporters to help them out regarding their lack of talent when it comes to Tifos.
Maybe they should seek some help from the Green Bridge who less that 24 hours later showed them how it’s done.

If anything it very humorous to everyone outwith theRangers supporters. The selection of Tifos over the years displayed by the Ibrox ultras has made us all chuckle.
So dear Onion Bears, please leave the Tifos to the experts and stop trying to emulate your rivals. It will only become more embarrassing. You’ll always be in our shadow.
Just an Ordinary Bhoy