Celtic Shorts is brought to you by the experienced and passionate team behind The Celtic Star.
So what’s different about Celtic Shorts? Well, you can judge for yourself by having a look through the site. We aim to provide short, sharp Celtic news and commentary from a Celtic supporters perspective and a nod to the younger demographic within our support.
Your first game
From the moment you go to your first game to the end of your days you’ll have Celtic in your heart and in your family. It will e a constant in your life regardless of where you are in the world. That’s something we all understand.
Celtic Shorts complements The Celtic Star, allowing us to differentiate content to suit different demographics within our support. Inevitably you’ll decide which is the one for you but you’ll always be welcome on both!
Honest and straightforward in our reporting
On Celtic Shorts we welcome contributions from Celtic supporters who would like to write for the site, maybe to express a one-off opinion or even to become part if our writing team. Several of our writers on The Celtic Star had never had anything published previously and have gone on from writing about Celtic for us to having books published on Celtic Star Books.
Celtic Shorts will be honest and straightforward in our reporting. No resorting to click-bait headlines, rather just straightforward reporting on all aspects of Celtic Football Club.
Celtic Shorts will another voice for the Celtic support and will always give Celtic supporters a platform to have a say. Celtic fan media has grown incredibly fast over the past five years the arrival of Celtic Shorts in 2024 will add to the collective strength and will provide another high quality Celtic minded outlet for our support to enjoy and hopefully to trust, all with the best commentary and photography we can organise from and around every Celtic game.
Hail Hail!
David Faulds – Editor
Contact details – Please email editor at celticshorts dot com
X/Twitter – @celtic_shorts