UEFA may stop the pyrotechnics, but they’ll never silence the Celtic support’s backing of the Palestinian cause…

UEFA punished Celtic last week in the form of a fine and one match away ban for the supporters (suspended for two years) for the on-going use of pyrotechnics. While it may have some impact on Ultra supporters future stance on pyros, one things for sure and that is that they won’t be silenced when it comes to their backing of Palestine and also Lebanon.
Genocide on a horrific scale
Palestine is currently suffering one of the biggest injustices in the history of mankind as it suffers a genocide on a horrific scale and all in front of the watching world. This is happening while our so called leaders, along with several other international powers continually turn a blind eye to the barbaric acts. The leaders of countries like UK, USA, Germany (again on the wrong side of history) should hang their heads in shame.

Celtic support’s long history of supporting Palestine
Celtic supporters have a long history of highlighting the plight of the Palestinian nation as well as several other nations who also face oppression, and quite rightly so.
UEFA have punished us before for backing Palestine, but if they expect us to keep quiet on the matter then they are sadly mistaken. Indeed the fact that they ignored ay mention of Palestine in their Celtic punishment last week tells its own story.
Israel should be kicked out of UEFA and FIFA should be banning them too. That’s the very least the football governing bodies should be doing.
Just an Ordinary Bhoy