No ban on Rangers fans for St Patrick’s Day Derby: “We’ll roll out the green carpet for them,” Caitlin Hayes

Our Exclusive interview with Caitlin Hayes, Celtic FC Women’s inspirational defender ahead of the St Patrick’s Day Glasgow Derby against theRangers in the SWPL1…


Celtic Shorts spoke to both Elena Sadiku and Caitlin Hayes yesterday ahead of Celtic FC Women’s  huge match this Sunday against theRangers in the SWPL1.

It’s the first match of the post-split fixtures and a Celtic victory will narrow the gap to just one point, heating up the title race considerably.  We started with the manager’s interview earlier today and now we’ll covering what Caitlin Hayes, the Ireland International defender had to say to Celtic Shorts…

The green, white and orange carpet

We started by asking Caitlin how she’s been enjoying this season. We also asked her about her brilliant Football Without Fans protest at Ibrox last month after theRangers Board banned our supporters at the eleventh hour for some nonsense reason. Celtic will NOT be banning theRangers support on Sunday. And Caitlin says since it’s St Patrick’s Day we’ll be rolling out the green, white and orange carpet to welcome them to the game!

“We’ll roll out the green carpet for them, or on this Sunday (St Patrick’s Day) the green white and orange carpet and they will be welcomed,” Caitlin Hayes said.

It’s good to see that Celtic aren’t getting involved in a tit-for-tat with the latest Ibrox club after their petty and totally unwarranted decision last month to ban the Celtic support attending the women’s fixture at Ibrox.

A typical small-man decision

It was a typical small-man decision that damaged the women’s game and had Celtic responded then the lasting impact on the development of women’s football in Scotland could have been significant.

Rolling that carpet out on St Patrick’s Day for theRangers support is nevertheless quite an image to have in your head!

“Yeah, I’ve enjoyed this season so far! It’s been different, but like I always say, different isn’t bad. Each season that I’ve been here, there is always change. I’ve enjoyed the freedom that right-sided centre-back gives me, and just competing with my team-mates each week to try and get in that starting line-up,” Caitlin said.

“It’s a tough task to even get in the jersey to begin with, and then an even tougher task every Sunday. So I’m enjoying the competition and wearing the shirt as always.”

From Fran Alonso to Elena Sadiku

On the change in manager from Fran Alonso to Elena Sadiku, Caitlin gave us her own insight into the impact the change had, admitting that heads were down for a few days after Fran’s decision to take the job in the States. But that was short-lived and now it’s full systems go with the squad enjoying working under Elena with new ideas and structures.

We understand Elena 

“As a team collectively, we now probably understand Elena and what she expects and what she is driving each day in training. With that, the performances have obviously only got better and the momentum is definitely with us,” the Irish international defender said.

Looking ahead to the St Partick’s Day showdown with theRangers in the vital SWPL1 match at Airdrie on Sunday afternoon, Caitlin is clearly as excited as the support about this one.

“You always want to play in the big games, and it probably doesn’t get bigger than this. So we are just excited for the opportunity. I’ve been here a while now. Every time playing this fixture, it’s something we take in our stride and enjoy. Hopefully we can come back with the three points.”

Why not make it a St Patrick’s Day to remember by getting along to the big Glasgow Derby at the Excelsior Stadium in Airdrie on Sunday afternoon and ROAR the Ghirls onto victory. This vital SWPL1 match kicks-off at 4.10pm and this Celtic side is as strong as it’s been all season and determined to get a St Patrick’s Day victory for the Celtic supporters.

Tickets are priced at £10 for adults, £5 for children (U16) and there’s an Adult and Child (U16) option at £13. You can purchase your tickets HERE.


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