James O’Brien on LBC asked why Celtic v Rangers is known as ‘Old Firm’

When people outside of the Glasgow football bubble stumble across the great Continuity Myth of 2012 they probably have no idea what they are getting themselves into. The rage and anger that might come in their direction if they dare to tell the truth about what happened over Ibrox way back in 2012.

A frustrated Rangers fan alone in the stand after the final whistle. Final score Ross County 3 Rangers 2.  Scottish Premiership, Football in Dingwall, 14 April 2024 Photo Stuart Wallace/Shutterstock

The Old Firm

A presenter called James O’Brien was probably just thinking out loud when we he asked why Celtic versus Rangers games was widely known as the Old Firm. He now knows why thanks to a Celtic supporter who called in and O’Brien also now knows why the Old Firm ended back in 2012. He also understands why it’s now correctly known as the Glasgow Derby and that’s what Celtic will always call it.

“So was listening to the mystery hour on James O’Brien on LBC and someone asked why Celtic vs Rangers was known as the old firm. I provided the answer,” Celtic supporter Alan D posted on social media. He also posted the recording which is, we reckon, the best thing you’ll listen to all day.

Haven’t they suffered enough?

One thing though Alan, after Sunday in Dingwall and last night in Dundee haven’t theRangers suffered enough without you putting the boot in by reminding the UK of the truth about the demise of the Old Firm and the reason why it ended back in 2012?

1 Comment

  1. It would be great if the same question and answer was debated on the Joe Rogan Experience one of these days ? A world wide audience listening and looking in where the true facts were laid bare for the entire planet to know about . No lies ,no bending of answers and absolutely laying to rest in perpetuity the ” continuation ” myth being constantly peddled around and accepted by the ” ostrich syndrome ” SMSM and others ? ” Put the pictures up for us Jamie ” .

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