Know Your History – Celtic in the Thirties

Celtic in the Thirties, Volumes One and Two, by Matt Corr. Image: Celtic Star Books

Introducing Celtic in the Thirties

Matt Corr’s Celtic in the Thirties is published by Celtic Star Books at the beginning of November. There are two volumes and this is a comprehensive, well researched history of Celtic in an incredible decade of highs and lows for Celtic Football Club.

Know Your History – Celtic in the Thirties, Volume One

At the beginning of the 1930s, as a new Celtic Park emerged to dominate Glasgow’s east end skyline, Willie Maley was assembling the most exciting, attacking young Celtic team, seeking to restore the grand old club to its former glory and take his side across the Atlantic to the New World for the first time, thus fulfilling a long-held dream.

John Thomson training, Celtic in the Thirties, Photo Celtic Star Books

What happened over the next few years is perhaps the most remarkable series of events in the long history of the fairytale club, featuring a cast list of names who are revered to this day.

Legends such as the three Young Princes, John Thomson, Jimmy McGrory and Peter Scarff…and so many others.

With input and insights from family members of those involved, follow author Matt Corr as he takes you step by step through the historic triumphs, the ground-breaking adventures and the heartbreaking tragedies which made up the first part of that incredible decade.

It is a football story like no other.

Peter Scarff and Jimmy McGrory, Celtic in the Thirties by Matt Corr. Photo The Celtic Wiki

Know Your History – Celtic in the Thirties, Volume Two

Following the series of tragedies which dominated the first part of the decade, Willie Maley and Jimmy McMenemy are building another truly great Celtic side, which will establish Glasgow’s grand old team as not just the best in Scotland but far beyond.

Empire Exhibition Cup, 1938. Celtic in the Thirties. Graphic Celtic Curio

New heroes such as Jimmy Delaney, Malcolm MacDonald and so many others emerge to join the remaining old guard, led by the Great McGrory, and soon records are tumbling as the Celts reach new heights, embarking on a glorious trophy-laden spree which culminated in the stunning Empire Exhibition success in our Golden Jubilee year of 1938.

And the end of the decade brought the outbreak of war and the passing of an era which had spanned more than half a century, as the veteran Maley reluctantly took his leave of Celtic, the cause to which he had devoted his life.

Empire Exhibition Cup, 1938. Celtic in the Thirties. Graphic Celtic Curio

With input and insights from family members of those involved, author Matt Corr takes you step by step through the historic triumphs and achievements of Willie Maley’s last great Celtic team.

It is a remarkable story. No, it’s a remarkable CELTIC story!

Celtic’s Empire Exhibition Cup winners. Photo The Celtic Wiki
Celtic Star Books – Know Your History!

Click to order Celtic in the Thirties now!
Celtic in the Thirties – Vol 1&2 are published at the end of October on Celtic Star Books. Image: The Celtic Star