Ibrox fans revelling in Caley predicament don’t understand their own history

theRangers supporters revelling in Caley predicament, clearly don’t understand their own history…

Inverness Caley Thistle are a well known name in Scottish football and have certainly achieved a lot for such a small club. We as Celtic supporters know that fine well and of course they were our Scottish Cup Final opponents in the season before last.

The Highland side however are in severe trouble lately, mainly financially and are in danger of going into administration and even worse. However the supporters and the general public have rallied around and are raising much needed funds to fight off the threat of possible liquidation. It’s going to be a tough task saving the club but credit to the Inverness fans for at least trying.

A nice touch

That’s a nice touch and hopefully they are successful in their aim in keeping the Highland side in business, as it would be a shame to see them go under.

The Rangers supporters don’t see it that way however, and are revelling in Caley Thistle’s current predicament. Not that we should be surprised as they aren’t exactly the most caring bunch of folk in society.

They aren’t the most intelligent either as if you were to ask them their reasoning behind their gloating over Inverness’s problems, they will tell you it’s ‘payback’ and ‘karma’. What are they on about?

Rangers fan let their club die 

Payback and karma for the demise of the now liquidated Rangers FC. ‘They sent Rangers down’ they will shout. No Rangers weren’t sent down, well to the grave yes, but that has nothing to do with the Highland side.

Years of overspending and Tax dodging, secret side letters and never living within their means sent Rangers FC to the grave. David Murray drove the bus to edge of the cliff and Craig Whyte drove it off, after paying the £1 fare.

The brutal truth

That’s the brutal truth, a truth that theRangers supporters refuse to admit or accept. ICT or any other side for that matter had no bearing on the demise of Rangers FC. It was all self inflicted. In fact if they want anyone to blame maybe they should start by looking in the mirror.

As they, Rangers supporters, stood by and let it all happen. They let their club die and it haunts them to this day and for ever more.

Best of luck to the Inverness supporters, hope that they can save their club.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy