So-called ‘patriots’ not welcome in Paradise

This is our city, you ‘patriots’ are not welcome, and for the record, the minority of Celtic supporters who agree with them are not welcome at Celtic Park.

The last couple of weeks or so has seen tensions rise on the streets of the UK, due to an element of right wing  racist thugs who like to pose as ‘patriots’.

These ‘patriots’ have been using the unspeakable grief of others to further their own agenda as they spew their bile on the streets while assaulting police officers and innocent civilians.

These band of thugs are planning to bring their thuggish behaviour and Neanderthal views to Glasgow next month. That can’t be allowed to happen under any circumstances. This is our city and they are not welcome. Yes everyone is allowed to practice free speech, but stirring up racial hatred is not free speech, it’s hate speech.

Social media is also awash with such disgusting ‘views’ at the moment and it’s getting to the stage that you are thinking twice about logging onto your account, whether that be Facebook or X. It’s quite frankly a sewer pit. Sadly a tiny minority of our own supporters share such backward ‘beliefs’ – immediate blocks guaranteed for those with views that have no place in Paradise.

Please don’t try to excuse it by saying they are only worried about our country, that is a lie and you are seriously deluded if you think that this band of ‘patriots’ care about this country. They only care about causing as much division in society as they possibly can. That’s the real truth.

It’s disappointing that some of our supporters can relate to such aberrant behaviour. Maybe some are being naive, but that can’t be excused. These racists who are hellbent on causing division are a threat to society and every right minded individual in the country is against such behaviour polluting our streets.

Our football club was formed to help the underprivileged in this city. The overwhelming majority of those folk were immigrants who came to our city in search of a better life. Just like our ancestors did.

We have proudly stuck to those traditions and remain a club open to all, but that doesn’t stretch to those who share the ‘views’ of the element who like to stir up hatred in the world. I’m sure I speak for the vast majority of our support when I say that people with those views are not welcome at Celtic Park.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy


  1. What on earth are you on about bringing politics into your piece? What far right thugs are you havering about?
    This is a football blog, leave politics to the ibrox mob.

  2. So according to you if someone doesn’t agree with your political views they should be banned,that in itself is condoning the banning of free speech and everyone’s right to protest no matter their opinions, weather you agree with them or not,.That is what is called a democracy.

    1. Don’t come to Celtic Park if you agree with these patriots, be free to speak your hate elsewhere but not at the home of one of the greatest achievements by immigrants this country has ever seen. And I hope your next shite is a hedgehog.

    2. The fact that you question this post is alarming. The ignoring of these type of views led to the last war. We had fascist matching in every country in Europe blaming all the countries woes on the minorities. UK is in a mess because of greed and the last governments policies, blaming the minorities is disingenuous at best.

      Banning hate speech is one way of removing their bilious disgusting rhetoric from reaching the ears of those naive enough to listen or believe.

    3. You are being played and falling for the psy-op…. Divide and conquer.
      Misinformation put out on social media about the killer of kids makes a local community angry.
      This local community is infiltrated by agents wearing masks. Who started a riot go funded the thugs? The same zio organisation that funds kier stalin .. What was the response of kier stalin?… More powers to the police, facial recognition and a new police unit….problem-reaction – solution…

  3. Although I’m proud of Celtic’s history in relation to supporting immigration and the needy the guys ( Army ) who are arriving daily do not need aid or are they grateful for what they receive, they want to take over, mame, injure and even kill us, I am not blind or a rascist.

  4. See, there is a conversation ti be had here, and to try and shut it down by immediately sayin its racism is in itself naive.
    Many people have concerns about Islam and it’s followers because it has many different values from the prevailing ones here. It appears hugely misogynistic, and how this seems totranslate into attacks on women and children throughout Europe right now is difficult to defend.
    Furthermore, history suggests that Islam is not a religion of tolerance and once it has got a strong enough foothold in a country, sets about imposing itself upon those who don’t follow it, become a theocracy or semi theocratic state.

    But, you know, these are just observations, that may be misplaced, so the mature thing would be to explain how they are, on your view, mistaken, not just label me a racist.

  5. What a load of nonsense, who the hell are you to decide who’s welcome at Celtic Park or not, another nobody sitting in front of a screen, pontificating on subjects that are of no concern to the majority of Celtic supporters, another one who seems to be carried away by their own importance. My political views are my own, they have nothing to do with you or anyone else but I won’t be at the ground waving a silly little flag as if it were fashion accessory. I’ve no idea the age of the author of this piece but he writes like an immature teenager.

    1. Did you actually read and comprehend my post,everyone in a free country is entitled to free speech and a right to protest weather you agree with them or not,how does hitler (a socialist)who oppressed free speech and a right to protest become relevant to my post.?

  6. a: Is it a club open to all or not?

    b: Is it a football club or a cult?

    For a: apparently not if having a different opinion sees you instantly unwelcome

    For b: if only those who are in unquestioning lock-step with the required beliefs are welcome then it’s a cult.

    I’m sick to death of the loudmouth lefty socialist gobsh*te element of our support. Thick as mince but nowhere near as tasty. Just keep ALL politics away from CP, focus on the thing we’re there for in the first place i.e. the game of football, STFU about everything else and the world will be a happier place.


  7. F&4k Up, you deluded, left-wing authoritarian socialist piece of shit, who the f^&k are you to tell people that they are not welcome at Celtic Park, because they refuse conform to your deluded lefty SJW Cult and its narrative. Stop acting as if you are everybody’s moral superior, with your disingenuous, sanctimonious virtue signalling nonsense, just to win a few brownie points with members of Green Brigade.

    fuck your deflective Lys about the far-right, it’s not the far-right, it’s called concerned parents, concerned communities, who want to protect their neighbour hoods, families and children from the mass influx of unvetted single males from the so-called Religion of peace into their communities.

    Would you be acting all high and mighty if your daughter, your wee niece of 6 years of age (whole life ahead of her) goes to a dance class never to return because she was carved up like a bunch of kebab meat and left to die by a migrant?

    Or you daughter (with her whole life ahead) goes for a run along a toe path, never to return as she was stabbed to death trting to protect herself as she was being r%ped by a migrant or you wife taking your kids to school, only for them to be attack by a migrant and hospitalised

  8. Everyone welcome, except those I disagree with….
    You want to distance yourself from them so much you end up becoming exactly like them. Different cheek, same arse. “They are causing division and are a threat to our society.” Sounds like you’ve been learning from “them”. Show your hatred towards people ’cause you’re good and they’re bad. Same old, same old.
    Free speech is the principle of letting everyone have their say, no matter how much you disagree with it. Hatred is hatred and yours is as vile and venomous as theirs.
    If you’re going to bring your political views to Celtic Park, others need to be able to do the same and not just if you agree with them.
    Well, regardless of what you’ve said, it won’t stop anybody. We’ll turn up, the same as you, and we’ll wear our Hoops, the same as you, and we’ll cheer for Celtic, the same as you.
    I look forward to your article when you bring people together and aim for something higher.
    Hail hail.

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