Deranged supporter blames Willie Collum for costing Rangers league title and £50m CL income

Willie Collum’s appointment has enraged theRangers support (see below), but we’re not too happy about it ourselves…

Willie Collum has been appointed as the man in the middle for Saturday’s all important Glasgow Derby, and it’s an appointment that’s sending some of theRangers supporters into a frenzy (see below).

This is Willie’s first time handling a Glasgow Derby in two years, and only the second time he’s taken charge of a game involving the Ibrox side this calendar year. It’s also his first time handling a Scottish Premiership game involving theRangers in 2024.


The hierarchy at Ibrox of course made a request for Collum to be ineligible for any games involving their side after the uproar over his overseeing of an incident while on VAR duties in the Glasgow Derby clash at Celtic Park back in December.

An incident that was handled correctly, and the right decision awarded let’s not forget. (IT WAS OFFSIDE). But of course that didn’t please the Ibrox bosses or their madcap supporters who think Collum has a sinister agenda against them. Something that stretches back many years due to the man’s religion, everyone anyone eh?

An incompetent official

But the Celtic supporters aren’t that overjoyed over his appointment to oversee such an important game either. Collum is not biased, far from it, he’s just an incompetent official. He’s rank rotten and the arguably the worst of a bad bunch.

There’s not a club in the country that hasn’t been affected by the incompetence of Willie Collum. Our own side included. To hand him such an important game is a bizarre move by those in charge. With the recent pressure put on him by the Ibrox club, it’s a very peculiar decision to put him under the spotlight in such a vital game.

Now read this from a thread on one of their biggest forums…

Why did the (new)club back down in its stance on Collum?

In December we all plainly saw Collum cheat us out of a penalty. Had it been given (IT WAS OFFSIDE) it might have won us not just the game but potentially the league title and £50m of CL income when you consider the meltdown that would have ensued across the city.

The club seemed to recognise the frustration and outrage of the support and for once they went on the front foot, publicly calling out the SFA and demanding that Collum was kept away from our games.

After the club had made it’s position perfectly clear and got the total backing of the whole support behind them, why did we back down from this position?

It’s an absolute slap in the face that Collum will be in the black for this all-important final Old Firm (sic) that will probably dictate which club takes the title and receives an unprecedented influx of CL cash.

We should have stayed firm in our demands. I doubt the SFA would have taken it to the courts where we could have defended our position by raising the unbalanced treatment and officiating (the)Rangers have been subject to.

What should amaze us but actually doesn’t is the fact that they cannot process the fact that the penalty was never going to be awarded because the VAR lines clearly show an OFFSIDE.  Incredible paranoia from theRangers and this is just one example from the ‘no-one likes us, we don’t care’ brigade.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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1 Comment

  1. Here is an example of the iniquity of Scottish football. Neither sets of fans are happy with this appointment. Sadly Collum’s religion is well understood and the Neanderthals at Ibrox (including club officials) believe his creed dictates automatic bias against them, blithely ignoring things like the penalty he awarded Rangers with his back to the play at Celtic Park and the ordering off of Simunovic when their cheat Morelos went rolling round the turf keeking through his fingers. My own feeling is that the poor man is not impervious to the enormous pressure and whether it’s consciously or subconsciously , he over compensates for being a Catholic and having the temerity to referee Rangers fc. Rangers of course should have been sanctioned for requesting his ban on officiating at their games, but of course nothing happened. I only hope he has an uneventful game on Saturday, I hope I win the lottery too.

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