An awkward evening for Celtic supporters hoping theRangers win

Celtic received a reduced allocation of just  3,835 tickets for tomorrow evening’s 7.30pm kick-off at Rugby Park against Kilmarnock and just like the game at Ibrox this evening, there a’re likely to be plenty of empty seats in the home sections.

Collapse in their title challenge

Ibrox of course has sold out, and with this being their final home match of the season, you would have expected this to have had a 50k capacity crowd. However after the collapse in their title challenge in recent weeks – in recent form they have take just one point more than relegated Livingston – the angry Bears have had enough and thousands are giving tonight’s Scottish Premiership match against their old pals Dundee a wide berth.

Empty seats at Rugby Park

Rugby Park’s empty seats are more costly for Kilmarnock because they have not been pre-sold as is the case up the road in Govan. It’s their choice of course but as Jock Stein famously said…

The Dens Park swamp – keep off the mud

So while the lucky 3,835 Celtic supporters with tickets for Kilmarnock v Celtic tomorrow evening will  be looking to be there when we win another league title – Celtic’s 54th (can you see us coming?) – their bubble might be burst this evening by that pesky mob from the Dens Park swamp.  Tony Docherty’s side will fancy their chances of taking something from theRangers side currently managed by the ‘woe is me’ Belgian Philippe Clement.

Celtic fans will prefer to win it ourselves 

That theRangers v Dundee game is live on Sky Sports this evening and if Dundee get a result the entire Celtic support will soon hear that we are Champions again.  However most would probably prefer to win it ourselves tomorrow night, especially those supporters travelling down to Rugby Park with their tickets for the match.

So does that mean we’d rather theRangers win this evening?  Will we have to watch their game tonight on Sky Sports, or just look for updates on social media?

Clement was moaning about his injury and suspension list yesterday and unbelievably dragged Celtic into that, as if we have not had our own significant injury problems this season.  That’s what happens when you allow the Celtic manager to live rent-free in your head, all you can think about is CELTIC, CELTIC, CELTIC.

Brendan had his fun on Saturday

And is it not remarkable that Clement and not Rodgers made the Scottish Sports Writers Manager of the Year shortlist? Brendan won’t worry too much about that though as he had his fun at the weekend and he’ll have the last laugh in this title race either this evening, tomorrow night or heaven forbid, on Saturday against St Mirren.

Brendan Rodgers prior to the Scottish Premiership match between Celtic and theRangers at Celtic Park  on May 11, 2024. (Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)

So ask yourself this, do you want theRangers to win this evening?  I hate to admit it but probably. What about you?

Tags Brendan Rodgers Celtic supporters Champions again Kilmarnock v Celtic Latest Celtic news


  1. No way do I want the huns to win tonight, crazy to think any hoops fan would. Let them suffer!!

  2. Not a fuckin chance !!!
    I don’t want that mob to win a throw in let alone anything else.
    The sooner we have the Green and White ribbons on the trophy again the better for us.
    The Celtic fans lucky enough to get admission to Rugby Park won’t give a rat’s ass and can start the celebrations before a ball is kicked tomorrow night.
    C’mon you boys in (dark) blue !!!!

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